Friday, December 19, 2008

Day 80

If I learn nothing else from this deployment, I will have learned this; the correct spelling of the word "Google" in Arabic is "Google". I obviously am still having problems with my country of origin issue and blogger. What's a guy to do? Even though the last couple of days have been 14 hour days fighting with the Active Army, I still have time for personal reflection, thoughts of introspection, and general day dreaming. On that note, I found a thing I miss; I miss buttons. On the BDU's, all of the pockets had buttons. When you wanted in, you undid a button, put in your thing, re-buttoned the button, and got on with your day. With these ACU's, velcro is kicking my ass!! You lift the flap to put something in, and if you wait more than one-tenth of a millisecond, the stupid flap falls back and the velcro reattaches itself, and you have to start the process all over again. And while you're fighting with your pocket, trying to put your hat into the cargo pocket, your notebook falls to the floor, and your rifle starts falling off of your shoulder, and the people behind you in line are getting miffed because you're blocking the isle. I miss buttons!!!

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