Monday, December 15, 2008

Day 76

Well, we got through the Transfer of Authority ceremony in fine form. The ceremony ended with the playing of the Army Song. When it played, everybody sang. Not the first verse, oh no, that'd be too easy. They sang the second verse. Which got me to thinking; I don't know either verse to the Army Song. I never had to learn it at Basic or AIT, and being in the Band we perform the song for others and never sing it. I had to get the words sent to me so I could learn them so I didn't look too much the fool in the formation. For those of you who don't know the words either, check it out;

First to fight for the right,
And to build the Nation’s might,
And The Army Goes Rolling Along.
Proud of all we have done,
Fighting till the battle’s won,
And the Army Goes Rolling Along.
Then it’s hi! hi! hey! The Army’s on its way.
Count off the cadence loud and strong;
For where’er we go, You will always know
That The Army Goes Rolling Along.

If I hadn't been giggling so much at the others in the crowd that were as clueless as I to the correct words, it may have been an actual touching moment.
I got my first packages from home yesterday, from Dad and my sister. It's amazing how objects, and some Christmas cookies, knowing they were last handled by a loved one, can have such a greater meaning, particularily when I'm this far from home.


ktjhawk said...

huh...I always thought that it was the caissons (whatever they are) that went rolling along. Learn something new every day, I guess.

glad the cookies made it - I hope they were in pieces and not complete crumbs after the trip.

DNN said...

have a cool package on its way. My students wanted to write you as I speak of you all the time. I feel like they know you as well as I do......OK maybe not. More on the way. Later

Colder than s**t here---- -3 and about a 20 MPH wind. DL is facing a water crisis. OH, what your missing.

More soon.