Monday, December 8, 2008

Day 69

Today is the first day of the second week that I've been in Iraq, but who is counting? It's not my first time away from home, nor is it the furthest from home I've been. It is, however, the furthest I've been from home when I know I won't be home "in just a few weeks". Of course the biggest thing I miss is my family. And my second family. And my friends. It has come as a shock to me that there are so many small things I miss after only a week in Iraq.
I miss my recliner and being able to put my feet up after a long day at work. I miss being able to walk somewhere and not have to have a rifle slung from the shoulder. I miss being able to cook my own food. The things I know I won't miss at this point are; drinking all my water from water bottles. I won't miss taking 2 minute showers. I know more will come up in the next several months, but this is it for now.

1 comment:

DNN said...

Hey--finally figured this out so will leave some messages. I only was able to see Oct 29th, so I thought maybe the posting had stopped for awhile. Anyway, its good to hear things are going well, considering. Its kind of weird without you in DL, or a phone call away. Remeber the "So, there I was...." phone calls? Those calls always made the day a little brighter.

Making music at drill will be tougher, also. You gone is one thing, but with Aaron gone also, things are real challenging. With the new music I introduced and the stuff Dave is doing, lots of percussion and not enough players.

Keep up the posting--Hope to read a lot more from many of you all...

I have some some stuff coming your way soon. Merry Christmas.