Sunday, March 1, 2009

Day 152

Oh Happy Day! Better than this being day 152, it is also Day 199. There are 199 days remaining until we have our Transfer of Authority (TOA) ceremony. Then it should be just a matter of a day or two until the planes wing us back to the States, then 5 days at de-mob station, and then home. Oh Happy Day! We're under 200 days! Now if I could only find my meaning in life. Or my meaning of life. Is there a difference? Should there be? Does the meaning in life dictate the meaning of life? Or is it the other way around? If you can't find a direction, or are unsatisfied with the way things are going, is it in your life, or because of your life? Will changing the things in your life give more meaning to your life, or are we predestined to lock ourselves into the patterns of life? When you have need of a change, it is in or of your life? By human nature we all gravitate to our comfort zone. Does that need for comfort stifle our ability to change ourselves when we feel the need? Why does it sometimes take a swift kick to the groin for some of us to see that we need a change? An editorial note; I've received several emails from people concerned for me, after reading my blogs. I do appreciate it, but things are ok. Please remember that we all write as we speak, or think, and my joy of adding sarcasm to everything I say is one of the few pleasures I have in life. If you have read a blog entry and have concern, please re-read it with the voice of Hughie, using his most laid-back, subtle voice of sarcasm. You should be able to read new life into most of the entries.

1 comment:

DNN said...

perhaps the complete set of Monte Python episodes from 1974-1989 is in order--"the Meaning of Life......" followed by the complete "Faulty Towers" series. That should give you some meaning.