Monday, March 16, 2009

Day 167

So, there I was, visiting with some of the fine people with whom I am deployed, and somebody said something interesting. My mind, working the way it does, formulated an idea that it would make a good blog entry. I even spent some time mulling it over in my head until I had a fairly interesting story. And then the Alzheimer's kicked in. I got back here and couldn't remember what it was. Oh, I remember having a thought about having a thought, but for the life of me, that thought escapes me. You'll just have to take my word for it that it was the best blog, EVER, only to be lost due to the ravages of age. Speaking of stories, those of you who sometimes let me hang around with you should be happy. As those who hang with me know, I know only about 100 stories from my life, worth repeating for entertainment value. And as those who hang with me also know, I have no problem repeating the stories as they move to the front of the line in my brain. After this adventure I'll be able to add dozens of more stories to my collection, cutting down on the number of repeats my friends have to sit through, and won't they be happy! For instance, in the office we collect lines of the 'stupidest things ever asked of a supply sergeant'. My favorite thus far, asked by a Sergeant Major, is, "Is my wet weather gear water-proof?" I swear, it happened. I have a witness. The other stories will come from; I had to sell my house and put stuff in storage. I had to get out of North Dakota (the story of my frantic packing in Dad's garage is a fun tome). I had to hang out in Ft. Lewis for 6 weeks, while my only respite was an all-too-short visit to my sister's place in California. I had to hang out in Kuwait for two weeks. And now I've been here since the 30th of November with just a scant six months to go!

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