Thursday, January 1, 2009

Day 93

In a previous post I mentioned that I don't normally make New Years' resolutions. Then after saying that, I made one. Since I already broke my word, I'm going to make another resolution. I resolve, with all my heart and soul, never to volunteer ever again to come to this suckhole of a country. We're having a sandstorm today, my second since arriving. This one is more a dust storm than a sand storm. The difference is; no sand in your teeth or around the eyes, and I can see about a half mile, as opposed to about a half block. It's not all bad. I do get to do fun stuff every once in a while. There was a Transfer of Authority ceremony a few weeks back, just before the people we replaced rotated home. They needed 20 soldiers to stand in a formation in front of everybody, to represent the Brigade, and I was one of the lucky 20. Ya-hoo. If you look at the picture, I'm in the third row, second from the right. You can just make out the left side of my face. At this point, we'd been standing at either attention or parade rest or saluting for about 45 minutes. Right about now my only thought was, "I should have put Gold Bond on the boys."

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