Monday, April 6, 2009

Day 188

This is the first week I should be on my new work schedule, so I'll be writing more during my day than my night. I had yesterday off; second day off since the 13th of November. The weather here is nice. It's in the 70's with a slight breeze. I've got the window and door open to air the place out a bit. I'm actually thinking about washing my sheets. I haven't washed them since we moved in here, on the 30th of November. Yeah; it's time. I'm re-reading Stephen King's "It". I'd forgotten what a fun and scary book it is. I know this isn't much, but last week was a blur of double shifts and the weekend was a blur of unconsicousness in my bunk so there's not much to report.

1 comment:

ktjhawk said...

OK...I'm just going with ewwww on the sheets. Please, please wash them - either that or never mention it again. :-)