Thursday, April 16, 2009

Day 198

So, this is how the R&R process works. You arrive in Qatar and that day is assigned as your day zero. Unless of course if you arrive late in the day, say after 6 pm, then that day is a free day and the next day is your day zero. After day zero each day is counted as the next day, as in Day 1, Day 2, and so on. On Day 4, at 9 pm, we have to check the flight schedules for our return back to our post. Yesterday was my day 4, and when the schedule was published, there were no flights, for anybody. So, according to the rules and regs, I have to report back tonight, day 5, at 9 pm, to see whether or not I have a flight. I talked to some people last night at 9 pm who have been here for 8 and 9 and 10 days. It may sound nice, but I am bored to tears. Lots of reading and web surfing, but I'm bored out of my mind. A guy can 'shower' only so many times a day, if you know what I mean. As for our accommodations here, we are housed in large tents, with 96 beds in each tent. My building has 6 tents. The warehouse is kept fairly cold. Since we are on our own schedule, there is almost always somebody sleeping. The main R&R building is nice. I huge warehouse with tons of space, and free wireless in the entire place. They mean well, but I'm bored. I want something to do.

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