Thursday, November 13, 2008

Day 44

Did you know it rains in the Pacific Northwest? Me neither. The day after election day the local radio stations announced that the citizens of Washington state voted to allow physician assisted suicide. I don't know why they bother. This is the most depressing place I've ever been. With all of the constant rain and clouds it's a wonder people aren't taking care of that issue themselves on a regular basis.
My oh my, how the time has just flown by. It's hard to believe it's day 44 already. Where has the time gone? Input all of the sarcasm you've ever heard in my voice and turn up the volume. It's been ok, just a bit of an arduous trek getting here.
I've finished training (yeah me) and am at my sisters place outside of Sacramento enjoying my pass days with her. First night; 14 hours of sleep and a nap the next day; and last night, 11 hours of sleep, and I'm writing this before I nod off for my mid-day nap.
I have to report back to Ft. Lewis, in the rainy Pacific Northwest, tomorrow, the 14th, do some administrative stuff, and we leave at Oh-Dark-Thirty the morning of the 17th. I'm thinking that my next posting will take place from a hallway in an airport in Germany. (I'd have a cold one for all you all, but sorry, we're not allowed to drink.) It is what it is.

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