Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Day one, minus one, and counting

When we sit and ponder our lives, we do so from a unique position; we view ourselves with our own eyes. My eyes are set into my head. I don't have one of those buggy-eye complexes, and as such I don't have the pleasure of gazing upon my grand visage on a daily basis, except upon visible, not metaphorical, reflection.

What a shock it was when I happened upon these two photos. One is of me prior to our deployment to either Jamaica in 1989 or Australia in 1990. In other words, before I started working on Camp Grafton. The other photo is of me on my last day of work at Camp Grafton. I think we can all agree, working at Camp Grafton is not good for the aging process. Save yourselves!!

1 comment:

ktjhawk said...

wow! You DID used to have hair...I think I vaguely remember those days :-)